Friday, September 4, 2009

RC Cars Hobbies

RC Cars Hobbies - How To Get Started

Within each person is a high, a desire to expand one's horizons. While some require a huge physical and monetary challenge, embarking in an RC car hobby is much less demanding and more practical to turn into a reality.

But an RC hobby is no joke to deal with. It could turn nasty if you don't get yourself ready for it. The desire is just the start of passion and a time-consuming journey which can be one of your life's' greatest rewarding activities.

First you need to determine which you would prefer to have: toy RC kits or hobby kits. Hobby kits are higher in quality but require more expertise. A good way to test if the hobby is for you is by purchasing the toy kit first and then stepping up to the more sophisticated hobby kit if you get the feel for the hobby. Toy kits are assembled and even available in toy stores, while hobby RC cars require assembling capabilities and a bit more than basic knowledge.

There are a host of RC car types available for you, and only you can determine which suits your fancy. There are many scale models, which are 1/20 of the original, life-size or even bigger than the original. If you're just getting started the smaller the better and more manageable. They vary in speed depending on size and power source.

There are two types of power source available for a typical RC car: electric and fuel. In terms of speed, RC Car with Engine-powered is more reliable and exciting to use. However, electrically generated ones are much more user-friendly as far as maintenance is concerned. Since you are beginner, always choose the lesser evil and upgrade to a higher challenge only when you are knowledgeable enough to do so.

RC Car with electric-powered motors requires a radio system to keep them going. These include a transmitter, a receiver and servos. Servos are placed in both the vehicle and the receiver. They serve as connecting nodes between commands from the transmitter to the receiver. The battery pack is rechargeable, though it takes much longer to charge. Some tools for the hand are also needed for the routine maintenance checks.

RC Car with engine-powered also require a radio system. But its battery is non-rechargeable by electricity. An igniter is also needed, since it relies on fuel combustion to move it at awesome speeds. Nitro models don't usually operate on gasoline. It requires a different mixture of chemicals for combustion. You will definitely need a bottle for fuel storage; lest you run out in the midst of the action.

See My other Tips: RC Cars, RC Cars Business, Drag Racing

Thursday, July 2, 2009

RC Car Remote

How A Radio Control Car Works

With a radio control system (signals from a radio), the model car is empowered go distances. This is basically how a RC car works. A transmitter enables the user to make commands using the joystick, and the command is sent to the car via a receiver attached to the car.

The real features and make of the full-sized counterpart of these said RC cars are reflected in every way; making it one of the most popular hobbies, especially among men.

A radio control system for the RC cars contains the following: transmitter, receiver, motor and power source.

A handheld device, the transmitter makes use of frequencies to convert joystick commands into signals. It is usually powered by a battery. Radio controlled toys such as RC cars are usually wireless and rely solely on the frequencies generated by the transmitter. So it is very important that you have a well-functioning transmitter if you intend to use your RC car.

The receiver receives the converted signals from the transmitter. Usually circuits are tailored to suit the conversions into commands which the RC car will recognize and eventually execute.

The motor is the life of the car's engine, for it makes the implementation of radio signal commands possible. Without a good motor, you can't expect even the best of radio controlled cars to work its wireless magic.

RC cars can either be powered electrically or by nitro. Electrically powered ones are small but strong, and the power source, nickel-cadmium is rechargeable (similar to some cell phone batteries).

Some RC cars even use the same fuel combustion which can be found in real cars, only that they use synthetic oil, methanol and nitromethane for its mixture. Large models which are created even make use of gasoline and oil itself. It is even more suited for rough terrain than the real cars themselves!

Those which are powered electrically are much cleaner, weigh less and are less demanding for the user. Dust will be the only thing you will worry about with this type of radio controlled car. However these some types take longer to charge than usual. You can't maximize it to be at par with the speed of the fuel-generated cars.

It is also likely to overheat because it makes use of permanent magnets which are vital to its operation. Tire selection is also tedious for electrically powered radio controlled cars. Fuel-powered types are much faster and readily available in the market as compared to electrically generated ones.

See other post: Customizing and Repairing

Monday, May 18, 2009

RC Car

Tips On How To Store Radio Controlled Cars

First things first! Why is it important to clean and properly store Radio Controlled Cars? Do you remember the reason your mother always told you to clean yourself up, clean your room, wash the dishes, etc.? That is - to keep you clean as well as up and running.

The same is true with radio controlled cars. The following are effective and necessary tips to store and keep those vehicles in great shape.

Believe it or not, the fuels used in nitro trucks or cars as well as in radio-controlled cars contain lubricants. The lubricants in these cars actually serve to protect the engine. This is due to the fact that not all of it gets burned when the engine runs. This therefore results in a chassis that is coated with a lot of oil which made its exit from the car's pipe.

The way to remove this as easily as possible is by using a cleaner: one example is Simple Green. However, it is best to first remove all and any radio equipment before cleaning; after which, plug the inlets onto the engine. Another option is by removing the engine itself.

The chassis should then be sprayed down lightly. Use a brush that has a firm bristle to knock away any grime. Once the chassis has been cleaned, use a towel to dry it. Then, re-install the removed components.

The majority of radio-controlled cars have an electric starter. The bearings in this starter should always be oiled and cleaned at least every week or two.

The starter should then be removed as carefully as possible. The use of a screwdriver is an effective way to keep the pressure on the mechanism as the starter is pulled off the plate's back.

Spray the bearing with engine spray in order to clean it. Oil the bearing in order to keep it running smoothly. You will discover that once the engine and starter is reassembled, it will work almost as good as new.

Fuel should be stored in a place that is dry and - as much as possible - away from pets, children, or anyone else who could mistake the fuel as washer for the windshield.

All in all, when fuel is stored, it could absorb water vapor over a significant amount of time, especially if the container is not sealed perfectly. It is best to store bottles on a cardboard and not on the carpet directly or on cement.

See my other tips: RC Collection and Building RC